Influential: The Digital Agency for Professionals

At Influential, we do things a little differently

When you join Influential, you get access to our entire team.

  • We work with you to set objectives based on your business goals & your brand
  • We plan a strategy to create the results you want
  • We implement the strategy within an agreed time frame and budget.
  • Each month we’ll meet to review past performance and plan the next step.
  • We’ll manage the team to keep them delivering for you.

Meanwhile, you focus on serving your new clients.

Your digital branding, marketing and design team

We’re a full service digital agency specialising in branding, marketing & website design for professionals

Influential takes care of your online marketing so that you can focus on what you do best – serving your clients.

Branding & Design

We help professional firms create brands that set them apart from their competition


Marketing Services

Marketing a growing professional practice is a full time job – let us make it easy for you


Website Design

We build beautiful websites that attract visitors and turn them into clients


Dallas McMillan – Digital Strategist

Hi, I’m Dallas McMillan – founder and CEO of Influential. I’m passionate about helping professionals create remarkable brands and persuasive marketing.

Marketing a growing company can be a full-time job, and takes a team of digital professionals to make it a success.

That’s why I founded Influential

We’re your digital partner that understands the online world, and helps you use the web to become the online market leader in your field.

Influential – the Digital Agency for Professionals – was born out of frustration

In 2004 I’d just become a large veterinary practice group. We had 3 clinics and employed 20 staff.

I knew we needed to use the web to grow our practice, but it was hard to find someone who we could trust to run our online marketing.

Website designers didn’t seem to really understand our business, and marketing agencies didn’t get the web. I decided I’d learn about websites, marketing & social media myself so we could grow our business using the web.

Professional website design

The art of professional services firm marketing

Once I get started on something, I don’t like stopping until I’ve mastered it. Over the next decade, I learnt how to build websites, dominate the front page of Google, and use social media and marketing campaigns to attract clients and grow my business.

This turned out to be a lot harder than I expected – there was a lot of new technology to learn (which was changing all the time), but to make matters worse, people were changing too!

They were using search and social media more than ever, and increasingly using their mobile phones and tablets to search for, choose and buy products and services.

Most of the information available on online marketing was aimed at other business types, like retail, information products and hospitality, and didn’t translate well to professional firms. Now I understood why most website designers and marketers didn’t understand our business properly.


I got great results, but it was taking all my time!

Eventually I realised that marketing a professional practice was almost a full-time job. I needed a truly professional digital agency to market my clinics.
One of the big problems I was seeing with my existing clients was they’d often had a website built by one person, and had some graphic design done somewhere else, and had some social media marketing being done by yet another provider. You can imagine what sort of mess this can make of your brand, your message and your strategy.

I would need to bring together great designers, coders, writers, editors and strategists into one team. And they would need to really understand professional practices and be able to create real business outcomes – like more clients and more sales.

Professional Services Website Design
Influential Digital Marketing Agency for Professionals

Unable to find the perfect digital agency… I founded it.

I’d already been doing marketing and website design for other businesses for years, but I realised that professional services firms had unique needs and challenges that I’d already solved – and that were being poorly met by mainstream web design and marketing agencies.

Eventually I retired from veterinary practice and sold my clinics to focus full-time on building a digital agency focussed on the needs of professionals who want to position  themselves as leaders in their industry.

The result:

Influential – The Digital Agency for Professionals


Emails per Week


Cups of Coffee


Team Members


Percent Enthusiasm

Beautiful, easy to use, powerful websites

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Mobile Responsive Design

Mobile Friendly design isn’t optional anymore, it’s essential. Your site needs to look great on mobile devices, tablets, laptops and desktops

Easy to edit and update

Your website is an essential part of your client communications – that means you need to be able to easily update it and edit it on demand.

Professional Design

Your website is the face of your business online – express your practice personality and professionalism with a beautiful, easy to navigate design

View our portfolio

Professional Websites

Our websites are beautiful, easy to use, & work great on mobile phones and tablets.

View our portfolio

How We Work

Learn how we help professionals online market leaders in their field.

Specialising in B2B professional services marketing

We focus on serving professionals who rely on referrals from other professionals, such as specialists and B2B providers.

Our clients include accounting, consulting, legal and medical practices who prioritise growth and specialisation.

Select your industry below to see how we can help your business.