Confused By The Online World? You Aren’t Alone.

Traditional marketers and even IT professionals are just as confused as you are. Likewise, website designers, social media “experts” and search engine marketers can only make sense of a small portion of the modern marketing landscape.

Managing digital marketing for professional services firms has become a full-time job requiring a team of experts who understand marketing, business and the technology.

It’s precisely because of the sheer breadth and complexity of online marketing for professionals that Influential Digital was founded.

We offer a unified approach to branding, design and marketing for growing services firms.

Professional Services Marketing Specialists

We’re a team of digital marketers who specialise in branding, strategy & website design for professional services firms

We’re experts in how your clients search for, choose and buy professional services. In fact, we wrote the book on it!

Learn about The New Professional Services Buying Process

Where once they relied on the word of mouth and the phone book to find your services, today they’ve got a lot more options.

They're Online

People start their search on Google & check out your website before they call.

They're Mobile

They use mobiles & tablets to search for, compare and contact service providers

They're social

They read reviews and use social media to discuss options with other buyers

They want to be informed and educated

They’re savvy and want the information to make their own decisions.

They want the best

With a world of options clients want real experts:

They are looking for you now

Due diligence done, people are empowered, informed, and ready to buy.

Will they find and choose you?

Download The New Professional Services Buyer's Journey Report

Case Studies

We specialise in working with professional firms who rely on referrals from other professionals, such as specialists and B2B providers.

Our clients prioritise growth and specialisation, and include firms in the business consulting, finance, legal, medical and technology sectors.


Business Consulting

John Smith


Financial Planning

Timothy Eaton


Commercial Law

Rod Unsworth


Orthopedic Surgeon

Andrew Marriot

Ready To Get Smart About Growing Your Professional Services Firm?

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We like to get to know prospective clients with a free complementary 45 minute discovery session to see how we can help you grow your business

Enter your details below to see if you qualify.

Or call our office on +61 7 4032 0000