Marketing Resources for Professionals

Equip yourself with the information you need

Digital marketing is a powerful way to attract clients, build your brand and grow your business.

It’s also amazingly complex, with many different areas of expertise, corresponding specialists, and ways of doing things.
To make things worse, most of the marketing information you will read on the web just isn’t appropriate for professionals – what works for a retail business or cafe just doesn’t translate to a medical, legal or financial services practice.

Lead Generation for Professionals

Learn how to attract a steady stream of qualified clients into your practice

Professional practices growth depends on being able to attract, engage and convert high quality clients.

Website Redesign Guide

10 questions to ask before you consider a website redesign

Your website is the foundation of your online presence – it’s essential you get this right before you consider other online marketing.

This guide covers essential questions you must consider before you start talking to marketing agencies or website designers.

Get these clear before you start and you’ll prepare the path for a successful website redesign project.

How to Write a Design Brief

An executive guide to writing a design brief for your new logo or other graphic or branding work.

Your logo and design are powerful ways to build your practice brand. An attractive and memorable brand helps your firm stand out online and in print.

Recommended for professional firms considering rebranding or commissioning new graphic design or marketing material.

High Value Client Template

Create your own ideal customer profiles

Guidelines and Template to Create Customer Profiles that show what your clients care most about

Your ideal client should be clearly defined early on in your marketing process. Getting your ideal client profile right is essential because otherwise your marketing tends to become too generic.

This guide and template discusses what high value clients are, and gives you a sample template to create your own customer profiles.

Download PDF and Powerpoint versions of the High Value Client Profile template



Introduction to Virtual Outsourcing Webinar

Learn how to use online virtual outsourcing websites to find and employ skilled workers from around the world.

Building your digital influence requires a wide range of activities and output, from creating content, publishing it online or in print, graphic design, website development, and social media marketing.

One way to access skills and expertise you don’t currently have withn your business is via virtual outsourcing.

Learn more about the different virtual outsourcing platforms and how to use them.

Sales funnel macbook air mockup sq

High Value Sales Blueprint

Do you have specialised and valuable products and services you would like to sell more of?

As a professional your most valuable products and services often involve a long, intensive sales process.

Trying to market these services online can be difficult, because it is harder to build up trust and credibility.

This video covers the essential steps to marketing and selling high value products and services on the web.

Watch the High Value Sales Blueprint video

Watch the Video

Creating an Influential Brand

How to transform your personal passion or business into a world class digital brand

Your brand is one of your most important business assets, yet most professionals don’t give their brand the attention it deserves.
This is your essential guide to reviewing and refining your brand – ideal to read before you start a rebrand or website redesign.

Becoming a Visible Expert℠

A Guide for Professional Services Executives

How does an individual become a recognized authority in his or her industry? And how does this sort of exposure build a firm’s brand and attract more business?

This guide to building your professional profile is a must-read from Hinge Marketing – a leading Branding and Marketing Agency specialising in Professional Services Firms.

Now there are some answers. Becoming a Visible Expert: A Guide for Professional Services Executives is written for any executive who wants to build a reputation around a specific service or issue — a reputation that transcends personal prestige and benefits the entire organization. This guide explains the many benefits becoming a Visible Expert and lays out a clear process for achieving the status of an acknowledged expert.

Access your Becoming a Visible Expert℠ Guide

Access your Free Copy now – thanks to Hinge Marketing

Professional Services Buyer’s Journey

Understanding your clients better gives you an unfair advantage over your competition

Discover how your customers have changed the way they search for, choose and buy professional services.

Learn practical steps you can market to your customers the way that they want to buy.

Coming Soon

Professional Services Digital Blueprint

The right way to attract clients seeking your expertise, products and services

Marketing a professional practice is a team sport. You need the right strategy, resources and people in order to succeed.

In this guide you’ll learn how Influential Digital combines creative, technical and marketing expertise to get results for professionals online.


Coming Soon


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  • +61 7 4032 0000